Lorella Falcone

I’ve founded the acoustic duo Cheek2Cheek with the extraordinary Lorella Falcone – singer, friend and colleague – Cheek2Cheek with whom I revive the ‘50s classics in a fingerstyle way. Cheek2Cheek

Tommy Emmanuel

Tommy Emmanuel, the first acoustic guitarist I’d seen perform live back in 1997, was my model. www.tommyemmanuel.com

Orchestra De Falla

The Orchestra di Chitarre De Falla, conducted by Maestro Pasquale Scarola, is one of the most important ensemble for classical guitars in the South of Italy With the orchestra, I performed at various festivals, in many regions and TV shows, also playing as a soloist....

My equipment

GUITARS Acoustic:Maton EBG808TETaylor 214E MATON GUITARS websiteTAYLOR GUITARS website Electric:Ibanez JEM7VWHMusicMan LukeFender Stratocaster Stevie Ray Vaughan  IBANEZ websiteMUSIC MAN websiteFENDER website AMPS:AER Compact 60 Fender Vibrolux ’66Brunetti...


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